Mobile Penetration Testing

Offered By:
Encryptic Security

About This Course:


  • Introduction to Android Penetration’s Testing
  • Preparing Kali Linux and Genymotion
  • Using ADB & Installing Apps
  • Decompiling Android Applcation
  • Dex File Analysis
  • Capturing Android Traffic
  • Insecure Logging
  • Hardcoding Issues Part - 1
  • Insecure Data Storage Part - 1
  • Insecure Data Storage Part - 2
  • Insecure Data Storage Part - 3
  • Insecure Data Storage Part - 4
  • Input Validation Issue Part - 1
  • Input Validation Issue Part - 2
  • Access Control Issue Part - 1
  • Access Control Issue Part - 3
  • Hardcoding Issues Part - 2
  • Input Validation Issue Part - 3
  • SSL Pinning Bypass
  • IOS Pen Testing